Providing RM Training, Consulting, Speakers, Workshops and Resources from RMLC Faculty & Affiliates under the direction of:

CPP, CFE, Private Detective, ACFEI Homeland Security Level III



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Press Packet

Staff training presentations are designed for font line staff (tellers, loan officers, collection personnel, operations managers, etc.) and security officers. The format is for before, during or after works sessions. Preferable room set up is "round table" or "horse shoe" setting to facilitate face-to-face discussions and note taking:

Credit Union Staff-Training

Credit Union Staff-Training on... (1- 1½ hours with Q&A)

  • Terrorism: Homeland Security - Combating Terrorism at Home and on the Job

    While international terrorists may never come to visit, copycats might. This RM007 staff training will mobilize credit union personnel into a lean, mean, terrorist-fighting machine. Lessons learned through RM007 Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, Security Integration and protocols taught during Robbery, Violence in The Workplace, Bomb Threats, and Executive Protection training are reviewed.

  • Robbery: Armed Robbery - Front-line Employee Training

    Armed robberies represent one of the most violent acts to occur in your workplace. Unfortunately robberies are increasing both in frequency and severity. This RM007 front-line training covers what can be done before, how to act during, and what to do after a robbery. Trauma management and victim assistance training is included.

  • Bomb Threats/Anthrax Scares: Front-line Employee Training for 2002

    Bomb threats and anthrax scares are designed to intimidate, allowing terrorists to more easily take control of your workplace. This RM007 training offers steps you can take to discourage a threat, handle one if it comes, and regain control after it's over. New & revised emergency response protocols and employee health and safety issues will be discussed.

  • Disaster Recovery: The Difference A Day Made (9-11-01)

    Oh for the days when Mother Nature was our primary threat. Today, natural disasters take a back seat to terrorists who are willing to level buildings or poison our air. This "RM007 training looks at the role employees play in contingency planning, plan writing, testing, updating, implementing and a speedy business recovery.

  • Executive Travel & Extortion - A RM Strategy to "Get-back-on-board."

    We're all victims of the cowardly acts of 9-11-01. We hit the ground and stayed there while travel slowed to a halt and the enemy continued to attack. Many vowed to stop traveling, all began to mistrust strangers, and everyone searched for ways to move on. This RM007 presentation will help restore your trust, rebuild your confidence and regain your lost "sense of being in control." Let's pull together in a concerted effort to climb back on board and move on.

  • Embezzlement - Safeguarding Your Most Valuable Asset!

    Embezzlements grow geometrically, absorbing millions and making victims of all who touch the thief. When a loss is discovered, everyone becomes a victim. Everyone feels guilty, angry, and betrayed. All trust less and fear life at work will never be the same. This RM007 presentation covers what to look for, how to approach suspects, how to lock down and up a thief, and how to defend yourself if falsely accused.

  • SCAMS - A Private Eye's View of Scams and Scam Artists

    SCAM artists are seldom the brightest light bulbs in the factory. Most use tested MOs seasoned with a personal twist. All leave clues that a good detective can follow. This RM007 presentation will refine your detective skills, sharpen the scent, and puts you on the trail of the scam artist before you lose your shirt.

Are you planning an event, need more information or assistance with developing a training program?

Use this handy form to contact us.

US State and Local Government Web Sites

Credit Union National Association.& Affiliate Web Sites

The Federal Emergency Management Administration...   FEMA's Web Site!

The Financial & Security Products Association


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Featuring RMLC Faculty:
Rich Woldt CPP,
President/CEO: Risk Management Learning Center

Neil Purtell
President/CEO: Madison Research Associates

Paul Bergee
President/CEO: Bergee Business Continuity Planning




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This web site is published by Rich Woldt. For more information and the latest and greatest Risk Management support email Rich at: or call 608-712-7880.