Welcome to your Risk Management orientation...
This is a Risk Management research and development site supported by a cadre of experienced professionals and mentored by internationally famous RM veterans.

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The Risk Management Learning Center was born the day terrorist attacked the innocent men, women and children starting their day at the World Trade Center, September 11, 2001. The center is staffed by a cadre of professionally trained and  "street smart" risk managers focused on life threatening risks such as natural disasters i.e.: hurricanes, tornados, floods, earthquakes, and terrorist attacks, armed robberies, home invasions, kidnappings, homicides, extortions, and gang warfare. Some research is focused on funding of organized crime and terrorist activity which includes money laundering, drug trafficking, forgery, fraud, embezzlement, and scams. For more information go to - About Us!

Our RMLC Mission Statement...

"To make the world  safer through more effective Risk Management policies, procedures and practices and to provide focused and entertaining RM presentations, workshops, consultations, and on-site training. " 

Our Strategic Action Plan...

"We'll guide your family, business, association, community, and country through any crisis using internationally recognized Risk Management methods, the Incident Command System (ICS), and the National Incident Management System (NIMS) as a quality standard!"                                                                                      Rich Woldt CEO - The RMLC


Rich Woldt -  RMLC Owner and CEO

Instructor: Incident Command System (ICS) & National Incident Management System (NIMS)Phone: 608.712.7880
Email: Rich@RMLearningCenter.com (Note: Due to virus blockers, SPAM, and too many emails I fear I'll miss your email. If you need an immediate response please call me at 608-712-7880 or anytime at home 608-873-8884)


   Risk Management Principles and Practices - Incident Command System Fundimentals

Introduction:  So that you might have a point of reference, it might help to read my white paper titled "An Introduction to International Risk Management" and "The Pyramid Road to Recovery & Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs."

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Risk Management Controls: Avoid - Reduce- Spread - Assume - Transfer....


Click in the    "Join US At" boxes you'll find through out our sites..

Risk Management is the "Method of Management" used to identify, measure, and control pure and speculative risks at home, at work, and when we're just kicking back and enjoying the good life.

To benefit most from this site, test your knowledge of traditional RM principles and review our white papers and our posted comments on the latest national crisis or natural disasters. Also, benchmark your RM programs and request your managers to include our RM process improvements in their "Management Action" and "Strategic Action" plans.  

Yes! I can be serious....

Risk Management Response Protocols - When bad things happen to good people....

Risk Management "Incident Command Systems" to: Rebuild the Economy / Reconnect victims to their past / Refocus on a promising future!
This site is NOT a substitute for the training provided through your local Emergency Government and Law Enforcement professionals. Rather, it supplements and supports their efforts and reinforces their training!

For the latest in "Incident Command" training, contact your local Director of Emergency Government or Fire Chief. To learn about local law enforcement procedures and protocols, contact your County/Parish Sheriff, Chief of Police, Riff-of-the-Shire, or Guarda Chief.  Click here for a link to US Government Federal, State, and Local resources. Similar sites exist in most countries.

These trained Emergency Government and Law Enforcement professionals will provide you with the most current Risk Management, Incident Command System (ICS), National Incident Management System (NIMS), and First Responder' protocols. Our mission at this site is to study current Risk Management, ICS, NIMS, and First Responder protocol' theory, and practices and than adopt what works best to the community at large.

I've color coded our curriculum to make it easy to find risk specific information of interest to your audience. For example, While colors might highlight text, blue also is used to indicate risks of interest to  law enforcement and private security such as burglary, robbery, and violence in the workplace. Red is used to indicate risks of interest to internal auditors, audit committees, and regulators such as frauds, scams, embezzlements, and those commonly called  "white collar crimes." Green indicates something to do with the Incident Command System (ICS) or the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Remember, green lights are used to identify Emergency Operation Centers (EOCs) during a disaster. Color and symbol coding is also used in charts and diagrams to identify job functions and the duties and responsibilities of contingency planners and first responders.     Rich Woldt

E-mail Updates and consultations upon request - NO SPAM
Periodically our faculty publish comments on  important risks such as during a national crises or to promote  risk specific workshops, presentations, additions to our security catalog or to remind you of RMLC learning opportunities. If you would like to benefit from these infrequent emails .... Sign up today

Community Outreach Programs 007 is  "Under Construction at COPs.007.com Click here to view!

R&D White Papers.. Note to readers: White papers are RM research papers often in rough draft that RMLC faculty post for comment before creating workshops and presentations based on their findings. Their goal is to ensure what they recommend will work in the real world.               

Rich Woldt - Hurricane (IC):  R&D and White Papers on (Ivan, Katrina, Rita, Wilma, etc.)

David McGuinn: Safe Deposit Box Compliance and Legal Issues

David McGuinn: Safe Deposit Box Security & Liability

Paul Bergee: Contingency Planning Test from The Paid Paranoid

Paul Bergee Business Continuity Planning: Pandemic - Is this Y2K-II?

Paul Bergee Business Continuity Planning: Continuity Central Pandemic Planning Survey Results

Paul Bergee - Pandemic - Is this Y2K-II?

Paul Bergee - BRPAW Event 2-15-06

Paul Bergee - Pandemic Planning Survey Results

Toni Conti - Incident Report on Katrina

Comments and Incident Reports: Note to Reader: "Our policy is to post comments and Incident Reports as they are written once we confirm the source and consider the incident report to be "first hand" and written in "the first person." Agree or disagree, this is the only way we can ensure an upfront and candid research environment. Read these at the risk of being offended."         Rich Woldt

Deep Throat 007... files and faculty white paper are open only to RMLC faculty,   authorized RMLC faculty mentors and law enforcement personnel.

Deep Throat 007:  Katrina Incident Report /04-09-17_news Rich Woldt - release on hurricanes of 2004

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Risk Management Outreach Programs & The RMLC         Virtual Incident Command System (V-ICS)


"In memory of the innocent men, women, and children who never had a chance to defend themselves!"  Together we will win the war on terrorism.
Take Command!
Use the Incident Command System as your Route to Recovery.....
Click Below to enter three ICS tutorials..

First: Focus on Physiological needs to re-establish Economic Strength and Well-being!

Next: Focus on the  Sociological need to  belong! Reinforce the relationships that foster a sense of social well being!

Finally... Restore self-esteems for the individual, family unit and community!


The Virtual Incident Command System

Professional First Responders (law enforcement, fire fighters, emergency government and homeland security personnel) use the Incident Command System during every event. Small events usually are handled by a "Single Command" while larger events can require a "Unified Command" structure that expands and contracts as needed (the concertina effect). It is the "SCOPE" of the event that dictates when a Unified Command will be needed. For more information and ICS tutorial Click Here!

For training purposes, we assume the scope of the incidents (hurricanes, tornados,  earthquakes, and terrorist attacks) threaten at least a neighborhood,  community, county, region, or country.

We'll create templates to include one Incident Commander, three Command Staff (Safety, Information/Communications, and Liaison) and four Section Chiefs (Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance). We will also assume one or more Staging Areas assembling resources under six units or functional areas (Life Safety, Communications, Security, Housing, Transportation, and Recovery).

We'll build three (3) ICS' "templates" based on Maslow's "higher order of needs." One will focus on the insurance, banking, real estate and finance industries. This is the part of our society that creates and maintains our economic well being and ensures our physiological needs are met. The second will focus on business associations, military organizations, clubs, organizations and social groups. This is the part of our society that helps ensure we all have a sense of belonging. The third template will focus on those organizations that give us a long term "sense of being in control." This includes a template for schools, churches, and those institutions that define us as a community, country, and culture.

Please forward these white paper links to Incident Commanders, victims, first responders, and evacuees along the US gulf and throughout the Caribbean Islands - Anyone in potential path of a hurricane!







Risk Management  Awards & Certifications  

Faculty and RMLC Mentors: Click here to offer your updates & comments!


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This web site is published by Rich Woldt. For more information and the latest and greatest Risk Management support email Rich at: Rich@RMLearningCenter.com or call 608-712-7880.