"Our team of experts are in action
to assist you in learning to customize and implement a post-disaster recovery plan." - Rich Woldt , CPP, CFE, Private Detective, ACFEI Homeland Security Level III


You are attempting to enter our RMLC "Deep Throat" Files: The authors of white papers and incident reports stored in this file are known but not identified. Maintaining anonymity allows the author to speak candidly about sensitive situations, incidents, and events. Access to these files is limited to RMLC faculty, authorized faculty mentors and law enforcement personnel.

If you forgot your password contact Rich Woldt at... 608-712-7880

December 2005 .
Deep Throat' Comments: The violence in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. Recommended first responders, law enforcement, homeland security, and emergency response RM protocols. 
Deep Throat 007: Incident Report filed on Katrina during rescue operations - Source asked not to be identied.