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David has had an international impact on Risk Management performance standards throughout our global credit union movement. I recommend all credit unions use David's publications when updating their Risk Management Performance Standard for Safe Deposit Box personnel. Go direct to to preview his latest work.                                    

Rich Woldt CEO The Risk Management Learning Center. 


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David P. McGuinn
Safe Deposit Specialists

 713. 937.9929

For 20 years Safe Deposit Specialists (SDS) has offered safe deposit training seminars, products and consulting services to financial institutions in more than 40 states. All in-house seminars are conducted by Davld McGuinn, a former bank Senior Vice President and Cashier who has trained over 100,000 safe deposit managers & employees nationwide.

Customized in-house training seminars provide a substantial return for a very small investment. In-house training programs eliminate the hassle, inconvenience, travel expense and loss of productivity when your employees are required to leave your facility to attend outside training.

Listed below are our most popular in-house programs and what they cover:

1. Legal Issues: Your current state laws and other safe deposit legal topics.
2. Liability & Security: Recent safe deposit lawsuits and how to avoid them.
3. The Fundamentals: The basic daily operations of your safe deposit area.

New - Fall 2005 White Papers & Programs:

  1. Safe Deposit Box Compliance and Legal Issues
  2. Safe Deposit Box Security & Liability

How to contact SDS
Request program outlines, client lists, speaker's biography, available dates and training fees by any of the following four methods:

Comment from Rich Woldt - CEO The Risk Management Learning Center: David continues to receive high praise and complements from is customers and clients around the world. Click here to read the latest brought to my attention....
P0 Box 40026
Houston, TX 77240-0026
713. 937.9929

The following timely article by David McGuinn has been posted in our White Papers:  Read and pass on this information ASAP

Posted February 2006: "Supreme Court Drives Nail Into Self-Service Box Coffin"


Links to Articles featuring David McGuinn:

Safe Deposit Boxes' Contents Remain Buried by Attack

Safe keeping - Be sure to insure contents of box at bank

Presentations and Workshops

Safe Deposit Compliance & Legal Issues

(Answers the Most Frequently Asked Questions)


Improve Your System:

Questions regarding the USA Patriot Act, Suspicious Activity Reports, Know Your Customer, power of attorneys, deceased renters, payable on death leases, living trusts, court orders, Americans with Disabilities Act, past due boxes, abandoned property and many other legal and compliance areas have caused great concern and confusion for the safe deposit industry. At this workshop you will receive current information about all of these issues and an in-depth explanation about how they impact on your financial institution and your safe deposit box renters.

 David McGuinn, a nationally known expert in the area of safe deposit, will provide clear concise answers to complicated questions regarding your institution’s responsibility and potential liability. He will also identify and discuss various compliance issues relating to each legal topic.

 What You Will Learn:

Get answers to the following questions and establish internal procedures to comply with your own safe deposit requirements.

q       How does the Patriot Act affect safe deposit boxes?

q       How can you “Know Your (safe deposit) Customer”?

q       Can money, guns or drugs be legally stored in a box?

q       When should your safe deposit employee file a “SAR”?

q       What violations are compliance examiners finding now?

q       Can you set up a safe deposit contract as a living trust?

q       Should a power of attorney be used to enter a renter’s box?

q       How can adding a “payable on death” clause get you sued?

q       Who can legally enter a deceased renter’s box in your state?

q       How should you answer renter’s questions about insurance?

q       What do drug enforcement officers need to legally enter a box?

q       How does the American with Disabilities Act affect safe deposit?

q       What amount of safe deposit liability insurance should you carry?

q       Who must be present during a past due box drilling in your state?

q       When are box contents sent to the Unclaimed Property Department?

 Who Should Attend:

This informative program is designed to update safe deposit supervisors, vault attendants, cashiers, branch managers, compliance officers, auditors, training directors, new account personnel and your in-house legal counsel.

 Workshop Leader:

David P. McGuinn, President and founder of Houston based Safe Deposit Specialists, is a former banker with over 30 years of safe deposit experience and is often referred to nationwide as the safe deposit GURU. In all 50 states he has trained over 200,000 safe deposit personnel since 1969, and has served the industry as President of the American, Texas and Houston Safe Deposit Associations. Dave is a featured speaker for the American Bankers Association’s TV network and has been interviewed by the Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine, New York Magazine, Kiplinger Newsletter, National Public Radio, FDIC, CUNA, CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC Nightly News and Court TV on current safe deposit issues. McGuinn has created numerous safe deposit video and audio training programs, manuals and other compliance products that are now the accepted standard for the financial industry.



Safe Deposit Security and Liability 

Improve Your System:

The safe deposit area is a pit of hidden liability for your new or experienced Branch Manager, Auditor, Compliance Officer, Security Director or any safe deposit employee. More and more successful attempts are being made nationwide to fraudulently or illegally enter a renter’s safe deposit box.

 David McGuinn, a former bank Senior Vice President, Cashier, Compliance and Security Director, travels the nation assisting financial institutions with their safe deposit training, compliance and security needs. His security, compliance, legal and liability presentations provide the latest information on current lawsuits, internal employee thefts, suspicious activity requirements and how to establish correct vault security procedures. 

 McGuinn knows first hand what to look for, from the most common errors to the not so common, but potentially costly mistakes. You will receive valuable information that will assist you in reviewing your own internal security procedures. Whether you have 50 boxes or 5,000, this presentation provides a well-organized method of auditing your vault security before a catastrophe occurs.

 What You Will Learn:

This program answers many thought provoking questions and will address your concerns regarding the following issues: 

q       How long will it take a burglar to penetrate your vault wall? 

q       How can you avoid locking anyone in your vault overnight? 

q       How can a con man open a lock in 3 seconds, without a key?

 q       How can “Self Service” safe deposit get you sued for millions? 

q       Are you leaving anyone inside your vault alone?  BIG MISTAKE! 

q       How can FDIC or NCUA signs, logos or brochures create liability? 

q       Why must phrases like “waterproof or fireproof” vault be avoided?   

q       What vault security questions will always be asked in any lawsuit? 

q       Plus many recent “safe deposit horror stories.”

 Who Should Attend:

This informative program will benefit security officers, auditors, safe deposit supervisors, vault attendants, compliance officers and your in-house legal counsel. 

Workshop Leader:

David P. McGuinn, President of Safe Deposit Specialists, is a former banker with over 35 years of safe deposit experience and is often referred to nationwide as the safe deposit GURU. In all 50 states he has trained over 200,000 safe deposit personnel since 1969, and has served the industry as President of the American, Texas and Houston Safe Deposit Associations. Dave is a featured speaker for the American Bankers Association’s TV network and has been interviewed by the Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine, New York Magazine, Kiplinger Newsletter, National Public Radio, FDIC, CUNA, CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC Nightly News and Court TV on current safe deposit issues. McGuinn has created numerous video training programs and his Safe Deposit Policy and Procedures Handbook is now the accepted standard for the financial industry.




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